Monday, July 7, 2008

Dubya is God: Help IS On The Way

Help IS On The Way

Finally, a Web site that gives all of my readers the idea that I've been searching for.

Although I believe those folks may be misguided by thinking that God and Our President are different beings, I can certainly approve of their methods for saving our Great Nation.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

More Lie-bral Demoncrat Dirty Tricks

Why aren't more people asking why our Lord and Savior, President George W. Bush, cannot run again in 2008? It seems that there some filthy liberal judicial activism going on.

Strict constructionists know that the 22nd Amendment was intended only to prevent socialist liberal presidunces from running more than two times. The Founding Fathers clearly envisioned that when God himself attained the Presidency (i.e., W) there would not need to be term limits.

I hope more of my fellow Republicans join me in bringing this issue before the US Supreme Court!